Film Actors Academy
Total Online in person private coaching and script analysis consultation
Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/@RandallPaulAcademy/playlists
2023 2025
I Was involved with several feature film projects from Unlucky to Love you, Global Harmony, Garbage Man and Napoli New York. Finish Writing the 11 Elements of the Monologue and the 32 Techniques for Film actors. Script Analysis for the Film Actor is almost complete. These books I consider essential reading and are the result of over 17 years of observations working with the many actors at my studios in America and Italy. My Scripts are ready and am working on two more to pitch to the industry this year. 2025 I initiated my online courses for Script Analysis for Film Actors and the 11 Elements for the Monologue. These are proving to be very effective for the film actors. I have brought on board Catherine De' Monte to conduct courses with me in Italian which is again proving to be succesful for the Italian actors. Her contact information is here on this site should you want information on my courses. She is both Fluent in Italian and in English. Have a great 2025
This year we have several projects From heading a school project in Chieti to filming 5 commercials. I completed Anima Borboniche directed by the wonderful Paolo Consorti. Filming many short films for the studio actors at FASA developing their show reels and their careers. Will be filming in September a new film For Sale with Director Francesco Gabriele with an all English crew shooting in Abruzzo. The cast will be fantastic with Italian Actor Nicolas Vaporidis. In November we will be filming a feature film around italy with Director Mauro John Capece. We are looking at several projects and pending projects both American and Italian filming here but as usual we can't publish those details yet. I am in the middle of writing my book for film actors which will be amazing once published one of my writer friends out of New York said it was breaking the code on how to precieve and approach film acting. I agree, that's why I am writing it. I must completely redue my resume and my show reel but have been so busy.
Humanism premiers in London
Finished I remember when that happened with Director Alfonso Bergamo
Two more films on the horizon but again I never say anything until they are completed or confimed.
Building my new studio in Chieti to house our production office and creative space
Currently in development for two new comedy action films we are writing.
The Beautiful Boy is packaged is finished and ready for discussionns with production. This film I wrote and will direct
Filming SYMBOL written and produced by Enrico Clerici. Directed by Franco Masselli in September
Organizing my directors reel for representation. Lots of footage to aquire
2017 Projects
Autumn 2017
I have finished a new film entitled Humanism which was filmed here in Italy. We completed a short for my students Access Denied which was fun. I have finished packaging the film The Beautiful Boy so we are iin financial discussion at the moment. This film is destined for the educational market worldwide. A budget of 200,000 Euro to be filmed over 22 days. We are in development for a new Albanian Film Il Paradiso Nero so I am flying back and forth from Italy to Tirana Albania. We are at the packaging stage for this film which will be shot entirely in Albania. Working on other projects for development 2 in particular all in English. As usual I spend a good deal of time preparing my lessons for my students and helping them with their careers.
2017 begins our organization for two projects we want to film this year, more on thal later. We start filming a trailer for a new Mauro John Capece Film La Danza this January. Two more Films to shoot starting this spring again we can't discuss this until we get permission from production. I finished a short film for my students The Circle produced and Directed by them. We are looking for a new building for the studio. So I am fairly busy putting it all together.
I have had some wonderful opportunities to work with some great people this last year and a half. Being here in Europe has been challenging to say the least but working with the Italians has been a lot of fun. We have several projects coming in by December to film through out 2017. Musani one of Italy's eldest fashion designers are working with me which is a real pleasure. More on that later. CDA Studio Di Nardo in Rome are my new Agents, so looking forward tio some strategy and planning for 2017. Los Angeles is not out of the question for next year.
Updates 2016
We have been in discussions with a few projects, One Television Series and three Films. As normal I never count on anything until contracts are signed in this business but I like the scripts and they have huge potential.
I will be flying to India in September for eight days to meet with producers and director on a production to be filmed in Calcutta. There will be a lot of Indian press conferences and a full schedule with NEZ Films This will be an interestng experince as I have never been there and I am sure it will be fascinating.
October Roberto Faenza's La Verita Sta In Cielo with Riccardo Scarmacio will premier in Rome and there is a lot of publicity around this film. Unfortunately as with many things we do, we can not discuss specifics with regards to projects or share, posts or images until approved by the dproductions.
I will see what 2017 brings with another proposed film "Interferenza" Production is trying to secure a major American Star to play opposite to me and I hope they obtain him as it would be the highlight of my career to work with him.